Now that I am back home and exhausted, life seems ordinary and back to normal-- almost as if the past two months had never happened. Throughout my time in Rome I chose to focus on the Via del Corso and the people in the streets. I miss the long walks along the Corso going into different stores even just heading to class for the day. I walked down the Corso nearly every day that I spent in Rome and back at home I have no Via del Corso to walk down. There are no sidewalks near my house and the street I use every day has no palaces, museums, or anything of the sort along it to check out. Compared to the people in the streets of Rome, the people back home also look so ordinary. I never thought I would say this BUT I might just miss stepping over beggars to get to class or walking past the men exploiting the history of Rome in their gladiator costumes. No one back home is quite as interesting or exciting to look at. Back to life in the ordinary.

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