The lovers of Rome are vast and plenty. Turn a corner at any time of day, anywhere in the city, and you can find two infatuated lovers staring deeply into one another's eyes. Whether it be on the grass in the park, outside of the Colosseum, waiting for the Metro, or even at the grocery store the romantics of Rome pay no attention to the idea of Public Displays of Affection! This idea not only extends to the locals of Rome, but also to tourists across the city as well. It must be the atmosphere of the city on a warm Spring night that brings out the affections of all the Romeos and Juliets. Maybe it's just a feeling or idea of togetherness and the ability to last forever that the ancient ruins thousands of years old portray to the romantics. Either way, if you are looking for a romantic trip to Europe, Rome may be the place for you.
Finding Romance in Rome!
Romance of Rome Video Game!
Finding Romance in Rome!
Romance of Rome Video Game!