Saturday, May 30, 2009

Key to my Heart

One of my best friends from home, Laura, keyed me in on a different kind of tourist site in Rome: the Milvian Bridge. Today we visited this bridge (a 4 mile walk from where we live!) to check out what it is about.

A little bit about the bridge. Lovers go to the Milvian bridge, place their names on a lock, and throw the key into the Tiber. A New York Times article from 2007 states that doing this is a way of "ensuring that the love lasts forever and cannot be broken." The ritual began after the book I Want You by Federico Moccia had his fictional character do the aforementioned at the bridge. Soon locks were popping up and being chained all over the bridge.

I must admit, it would have been a little more romantic to see if I had gone there with a lover. I did put a lock of my own on the bridge though, with my initials and my friend Laura's as well as PSU 2009 (because hey it's the Penn State thing to do right?) I hope to come back someday and see my lock still there!

Key to my Heart

NYT Article on Milvian Bridge
Create a Virtual Padlock here!


  1. Aw yay!!!! We can go back together : ) I miss you lover!! haha Have fun!!!

  2. THANKS YOU!!! If I forgot to see it before!
