Saint Peter is known today as the Prince of the Apostles because of his prominence throughout the Bible as the first mentioned amongst the Apostles in several different books (Saint Peter, 2009). This position is closely linked to the same position the Pope holds today, which is why sometimes Saint Peter is referred to as the first Pope of the Christianity. He was one of Jesus's closest friends and followers. As the Bible tells, at the Last Supper Peter is the apostle whom Jesus told would deny him three times before the night's end. After preaching the word of Christ for several years after the death of Jesus, Peter was crucified in the same manner in AD 64 (Saint Peter, 2009).
Saint Peter's Basilica was built during the fourth century over what is claimed to be his original burial sight (Saint Peter, 2009).
"CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA: St. Peter, Prince of the Apostles." NEW ADVENT: Home. 21 May 2009
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