Who is everyone's favorite mouse? M-I-C-K-E-Y M-O-U-S-E Mickey Mouse, of course! Naturally walking by the plethera of shops on the Corso, it only makes

sense to see the Disney Store, reeling in customers and kids who love famous characters like Donald Duck and the Little Mermaid. In Disney fashion, the store has been designed and decorated to mimic the architectural style of Ancient Rome. As a play on history and a play towards tourism, there are statues of Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, and Goofy around the store, as well as a dome and oculus that mirrors that of the Pantheon. It is well-designed and appropriate to the historic look o

f the city. As an advertising major, I think it makes sense for Disney to tap into the culture and style of tourism through Rome. For me personally, it was just interesting to see how Disney would adapt its the

mes and look to fit into Rome. Guaranteed though is that the theme runs from the faux cobblestone floors to the Pantheon-like dome on the ceiling. The lady at the register was not too pleased that I was taking these pictures, and she politely asked me to stop... but I managed to snag a few to show you what it actually looks like.
Insight on the Architecture of Disney Store
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